How is the quality of your education monitored?
The Swedish Higher Education Authority - Universitetskanslersämbetet (UKÄ) - evaluates higher education programmes to ensure that your chosen programme is of high quality.
The objectives of UKÄ’s reviews are to assess the performance of the study programmes and contribute to the university’s work with quality improvements in higher education and research.
Quality assurance model for evaluating higher education
In 2017, a new quality assurance model was developed by the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) in close dialogue with universities and university colleges. The model was in use 2017-2022. A revised model for quality assurance will be brought into use in 2023.
Programme evaluations
Using the new model for quality assurance put in place in 2017, a selection of programmes from throughout Sweden are reviewed. UKÄ focuses on how a programme ensures that students are provided with the necessary conditions to reach their degree goals. The reviews also contribute to universities' and university colleges' own development of programme quality.
Results of programme evaluations
UKÄ has provided the results of their evaluations in a service called "Högskolekollen". Available in Swedish, you can check the results of regularly completed evaluations.