In general, it’s easier to find a job if you have a university degree. You can also benefit in areas such as salary and personal development.

It’s hard to say if you’ll make more money if you decide to pursue university studies as there are many other factors at play. Some jobs require quite a few years of study, but don’t offer a high salary. Looking at the averages, however, it becomes clear that a university education is beneficial.

Average salary

In 2022, the average monthly salary was 38,300 SEK. The average for men was 40,200, while the average for women was 36,200, according to SCB (Statistics Sweden). 

In the following table, you can find the average monthly salary for different educational levels. Source: SCB’s statistics for 2022.

Educational level Women Men
Pre-upper secondary school, shorter than 9 years                                                     25,900    28,500  
Pre-upper secondary school, 9-10 years 28,500 33,100
Upper secondary education, not more than 2 years 31,400 36,100
Upper secondary education, 3 years 31,100 35,600
Higher education degree (bachelor’s), less than 3 years 35,700 41,800
Higher education degree (master’s), 3 years or more 42,700 51,100
Doctoral degree 56,400 61,100

Easier to get a job with a university education

Looking at the big picture, it’s easier to get a job if you have a higher education degree. Many careers that require a degree also pay a better salary. This can vary depending on the degree subject, but more doors will be open to you with a degree than without one.

The function ”Hitta och jämför utbildning” – find and compare courses and programmes – can be found at the Swedish version of You can find out more about the job market for different professions. Ask a guidance counsellor or a friend to help you with the Swedish.

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Other factors

There are other reasons other than economic for studying at the higher education level. For example, in addition to facts about a subject you can learn:

  • how to on your own discover and apply new knowledge
  • how to understand complex contexts and solve problems
  • to develop critical thinking and questioning
  • something new in the subject area
Page last updated 2024-01-18