Would you like to try working abroad? Would you like to gain work experience that is relevant to your education? If so, an Erasmus+ traineeship is right for you!

What is an Erasmus+ traineeship?

Erasmus+ is an exchange programme that gives you the chance to go on a placement at a company or organisation in another European country. You receive a grant for a traineeship of two to twelve months. You can also apply for an Erasmus+ traineeship grant if you're planning on writing your degree essay at a company in another country participating in the Erasmus+ programme. If you aren't able to study abroad for a longer period of time, you can also participate in a blended mobility. A blended mobility means that you study abroad for a period of 5 – 30 days combined with a virtual component. You have to receive a minimum of 3 university credits (ECTS) for the activity. 

What are the application requirements?

To be able to apply for an Erasmus+ traineeship grant you must

  • be registered at a university or university college in Sweden
  • be studying with the intention of completing a degree
  • have organised a traineeship that has been approved by your department (it must be relevant to your education).

How do I apply?

You apply for a grant at the university at which you are studying in Sweden. Talk to your department, the international office or a study guidance counsellor at the university. They can help with your application and provide more information about terms and conditions and the relevant deadlines.

In general, you organise your placement yourself by contacting the company or organisation that interests you. 

Current advertisements for Erasmus+ traineeships

The traineeship must be approved by your department.

If you're studying in a teaching programme, you can also apply for teaching assistant positions at schools in other countries at European School education platform.

You can apply for several exchanges within Erasmus+

In som cases it's also possible to apply for and be granted several Erasmus exchanges. However, you may participate in a maximum of 12 months of exchanges (studies and/or placements) per education cycle. That is 12 months at Bachelor’s level, 12 months at Master’s level and 12 months at doctoral level.

It's also possible to go on a placement within a year of graduating.

Grant amounts

The total amount of the grant for an Erasmus traineeship is between 550-560 euro per month, depending on the country and the length of the exchange. The grant is meant to cover additional expenses in association with an overseas stay, but it doesn't cover everything. Any student grant you receive will not be reduced due to an Erasmus grant.

If you go on a blended mobility, you'll receive a grant of 70 euro per day between days 5 - 14. Between days 15 – 30, the size of the grant will be 50 euro per day. You'll also receive a travel grant based on the distance from your home university to your host destination.

Erasmus+ is primarily a physical study abroad programme which means that participants will most likely travel to their study destination. Because trips leave a carbon foot print, you may in some cases receive an additional grant if you decide on a more environmentally-friendly way of travelling. Additionally, you may also receive funding for those extra days it takes to travel to your destination.

If you travel to a country outside of the Erasmus+, you'll receive between 550-700 euro per month. To some countries you will also get a travel grant.

Grants for students with fewer opportunities

Inclusion is one of the top priorities in Erasmus + and the goal is for more people with fewer opportunities or under-represented groups to participate in international exchanges. The term fewer opportunities refers to factors that may involve obstacles to participating in an Erasmus activity, for example:

  • Accompanying children
  • Disability and long-term impaired health
  • Low qualifications
  • Limitations in the education system
  • Cultural and linguistic factors
  • Social and economic factors
  • Discrimination
  • Geographical factors

As a student with fewer opportunities, you can apply for extra grants and other support and resources to enable your participation. You apply for the grant at your university with the help of the international office, your study counsellor or your university's coordinator for students with disabilities.


These are some of the most common questions and answers about Erasmus+ traineeships. Please talk to your university for more detailed information.

Who do I approach to apply for an Erasmus traineeship grant?

Talk to your guidance counsellor or the international officer at your department/university.

Is my student grant reduced if I receive an Erasmus grant?


Can I receive a salary or remuneration from my host organisation where I’m doing my traineeship?

Yes, the Erasmus+ grant is compatible with a salary or other types of remuneration from your host organisation.

What is the deadline for applying for Erasmus traineeship grants?

It varies between universities. Talk to your guidance counsellor or the Erasmus+ coordinator at your department or university for more information.

Can I go on placement at a university?

Yes if it's a traineeship, not studies. For example, in some cases it's possible to go on a placement at a university library. You could also do a traineeship in a clinical lab at another university. 

Can I participate in an Erasmus exchange more than once?

Yes, it's permitted to participate several times in each activity. There's a maximum participation of 12 months in exchanges (studies and/or placement) per education cycle (12 month for Bachelor’s, 12 months for Master’s and 12 months for doctoral level).

I'm graduating soon. Can I still do an Erasmus traineeship?

Yes, recent graduates may complete a traineeship period through the Erasmus+ programme in an EU member state, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, Serbia or North Macedonia, if the traineeship begins within one year after graduation. The traineeship period counts towards the twelve months an Erasmus+ activity can take place.

I have a disability. Can I get extra funding for an Erasmus traineeship?

Yes. A lot is being done within Erasmus to make it easier for people with disabilities to participate in exchanges. For example, you can receive help with special transportation, assistance and special materials. Your university can provide more information about what you should do. 

Does the Swedish Council for Higher Education help with visa applications?

No. No visa is necessary for your first three months in an EU/EEA country. However, you must apply for a residence permit/visa once you're there if you're planning on staying for longer than three months. These are often valid for up to a year.

The visa application process differs between countries and also depends on whether or not the country is part of the Schengen Area. You must apply for a visa for Turkey before departure. Talk to your department or the international office at your university for advice, or read more at Study in Europe.

Can anyone travel abroad through Erasmus?

There are no citizenship requirements for participating in Erasmus+, but you must be registered at a Swedish university. Ask the guidance counsellor at your department about what opportunities are available to you.

Can I receive credits for an Erasmus traineeship?

In some cases it's possible to have the traineeship transferred as credits. If this isn't possible in your case, you're entitled to have the traineeship included in your Diploma Supplement. For more information, talk to the guidance counsellor at your department or the international office at your university.

Page last updated 2024-09-06